Monday, January 18, 2016

Nice New Year's English Language Learners Offer For You!

One-to-One Survival English & Accent Reduction Sessions Offer.

Location: Vancouver West Side

Times:  By Appointment

Price:  $45. per hour, or $35. per hour when you you book 10 lessons now and pay ($350.00) in advance by Noon, Friday, 29 January, 2015.  Save $100.00!!

Space is limited. Call today to reserve your position.

Telephone: 604-263-1164 (Permit 5-7 rings, please).
Give your name and telephone number if your call
goes to our answering voicemail inbox. 
That way, we can give you our undivided attention
in our return call to set up your suitability interview.

Friendly, Professional, Precise.

ESL -EverySingleLetter Survival English & Accent Reduction
Call today, to 604-263-1164 for your Welcome & Assess Interview. Cheers!