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Thursday, December 27, 2012



This word is normally associated with cash.  Cash income.  The opportunity presented by the concept of resource management permits one to view this word from other perspectives.

Income most certainly can be received as cash.

But, I venture to say, there are ways to expand the meaning of the word income.

For example, income could be Self-Care.

Or, it could be Literary, or even Physical.

When you think of income as cash only, you are limiting yourself.  

In which ways do you pay yourself?





Physical Exercise


Planning Ahead 


All of these ways or actions can be considered as income streams.

Here's how the dictionary people at Miriam Webster write about the word income.


 noun \ˈin-ˌkəm also ˈin-kəm or ˈiŋ-kəm\

Definition of INCOME

: a coming in : entranceinflux <fluctuations in the nutrientincome of a body of water>
: a gain or recurrent benefit usually measured in money that derives from capital or labor; also : the amount of such gain received in a period of time <has an income of $30,000 a year>

Examples of INCOME

  1. Any income from investments must be reported.
  2. Farming is his main source of income.
  3. Even on two incomes, we're having a hard time keeping up with our bills.
  4. He earns a good income as a consultant.
  5. What was the company's annual income?

First Known Use of INCOME

14th century

Related to INCOME


Next Word in the Dictionary: income account
Previous Word in the Dictionary: incombustible
All Words Near: income

 Seen & Heard 

What made you want to look up income? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible),

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Silent "L" in The Letter Double-U" - A Clear Case of Alphabet Letter Abuse!

Almost 40 years ago, Stanley Kramer made a movie called "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World!".
The year was 1963.
With a stellar cast of comics, including Jonathon Winters, Jimmy Durante, Jim Backus, and more (It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World!")

It was an hilarious film in it's day.

The destination for the treasure-hunters in this flick was "Under the big Dubbya" - meaning Under the big double-u.  Palm Trees growing up in the shape of the letter double-u gave the actors yet another opportunity to leave out the "L" sound in the Alphabet Letter "W".  

Please pronounce the sound of the letter L that exists in the letter "W".

And if you can, try to take some time to watch Kramer's film.