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Thursday, October 30, 2014

One-Word Poem ~ After The Week That Was

Recorded Tuesday, 28 October, 2014, at home, Vancouver, BC., Canada.

This one-word poem came to me Sunday, 26th October, 2014.  Following the week that was, here in The Pacific Northwest of Canada, or, at least, following the reception of news stories that reached me through radio and online internet news and Facebook posts, including one of a mentally-ill man who shot a reservist outside our parliament, his life minutes later being taken by our sergeant-at-arms; the barricading of meeting room doors in our capitol by the MPs' all gathered on that Wednesday morning to meet; the continuation of the destruction of our civil liberties by the media-fuelled links to gossip and innuendo, the Western Washington State Schools shooting by a student, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC's) firing of the host of their program called Q, and his Facebook post of Sunday, 26th October, 2014.
Here is the one-word poem:


by Susilawati (Susila) Bryant

Sunday, May 4, 2014

"Enderberry": How Pronunciation Affects Spelling and Vice Versa

Listening to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's nine a.m. Sunday morning radio newscast this morning, recounting recovery efforts in Enderby, BC,  I heard the word "Enderberry".
Spring's promise notwithstanding, and the soft sough of blossomed fragrance present, Enderby underwent a shock of nature in recent days.
Ambitious Beavers, building their own homes and habitats, are said to be the cause of destruction to the Kingfisher Habitat, and the isolation of about two hundred residents due to resulting flooding. 

The North Okanagan is as fertile and fragrant as any southern British Columbian locality, and especially at this time of year.  It may be a small consolation, to those citizens whose lives have been disrupted by the beavers efforts, to be able to catch the scent of blossoms on a breeze, when debris from nature's havoc has them scrambling to plans B and beyond.

But when I heard the CBC Radio National News this morning at nine a.m. local time, the announcer, perhaps affected unknowingly by the fertile future of fruit and flowers in the North Okanagan Valley, say "Enderberry" as the disaster's location, her mistake conjured up a mystical location filled with fruit tree branches and berry bushes.  Enderberry may well be my new mythical name for describing all things North Okanagan.

If you are new to British Columbia, or to its English usage, you might well find the use of this new word, as pronounced by the CBC Radio News presenter, a starting point for your discovering of this lovely part of the Province of British Columbia. Of course, the proper name is Enderby.  The announcer said "Enderberry". This difference provides you an opportunity to express the two names in your enunciation exercises, and explore the potential for poetry in the English you are learning today.
Meanwhile, every effort is being made to restore order and services to the people of the affected area. Wishing you well, you Enderberrians; and here's to you!