ESL - Every Single Letter - Clear Communication Classes - Registering Now For Fall, 2013!
Y O U R O P P O R T U N I T Y T O L E A R N T O B E H E A R D. ~
Private tuition in a secure setting permits you the comfort of ease of expression.
Helpful tutoring in how sounds are made, accent reduction, coaching in pronounciation, enunciation, and social chit-chat, in a safe setting. Are you having to repeat yourself to be understood when you speak English?
You will learn to speak Canadian English, West Coast Style, and, as we say at ESL ~ "English-Ease"! Reduce repetition & increase your clarity ~ Minimize accents.
Classes begin in September, 2013. Private lessons, or small group classes.
For a Complimentary Welcome & Assess Interview, telephone 604-263-1164.