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Monday, August 23, 2010

A Sure-Footed Start To The Week: A Foundation For "A Body of Words"

Because so many of us live in a world influenced the what some call the Material, and, indeed, the Vegetable Forces, thinking has become a frequent and useful activity.
The mind is engaged in multiple thoughts or sometimes, none at all, and some tend to use it for all solutions, often ignoring the other faculties given to us in our search to become true human beings.
"A Body of Words"therefore, is a theme worth exploring at this time, but with the starting point being the foundation of the body; the feet.
Here are some words and phrases relating to the foundation the feet provide us:

"Stand on your own two feet!"

"There wasn't a man left standing!"

"Will you stand up for me at my wedding?"

Even in an early Christian Hymn, worshippers sing; "Stand up, stand up, for Jesus!".

Here is what our friends at Merriam Webster say about the word "foot".

Back in the Eighties, Keith Spicer wrote a book called "Winging It! Everybody's Guide To Making Speeches Fly Without Notes" (Doubleday, 1988). 
Winging It: Everybody's Guide to Making Speeches Fly Without Notes
The antonym of foot, of course, is head!
Up, Up, and Away!!

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